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Recreational Program

The Recreational Program is a great opportunity to dive into the world of rhythmic gymnastics.

Designed for beginners, these classes focus on flexibility, strength, and coordination while introducing basic body skills and apparatus use.

Classes are split into two age groups, 4 to 6 years old and 7 to 12 years old, ensuring tailored instruction and maximum enjoyment for every budding gymnast.

Schedule for Recreational Program

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Our Programs

Recreational Program

  • person-skirt-icon 4-12 years old
  • chart-icon beginner
  • calendar-icon 1-2 times per week
  • target-icon flexibility, strength, coordination
  • pen-note-icon open

Xcel Program

  • person-skirt-icon 5+ years old
  • chart-icon intermediate
  • calendar-icon 2-3 times per week
  • target-icon balanced training, friendly competitions
  • pen-note-icon invite-only

USAG Dev Program

  • person-skirt-icon 6+ years old
  • chart-icon advanced
  • calendar-icon 4-6 times per week
  • target-icon rigorous training, competitive elite
  • pen-note-icon invite-only